hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Do You Have a Foreign Broom?

You may have lived for many years here in Point Roberts and yet not be aware of the laws you might be breaking.  We have all recently been made aware of the decision to keep Canadian fresh tomatoes and green peppers from our tables, but you are probably unaware of the other kinds of things you're not supposed to have in your house if it came from, so to speak, "up there."

While poking about on the internet this weekend, I came upon a pretty exhaustive manual I had not previously seen which tells me much more about what I can't have that Canadians can have; i.e., what cannot be brought in to the U.S. from Canada, a matter of considerable interest to those of us who live in Point Roberts.  For example, you will be pleased to know that it is permissible for us to have a broom made in Canada.  I was impressed that I was being told that it was okay, because I would not ever have doubted it.  And a broom made in Alberta is also okay, I think, but broomstraw from Alberta?  Well that's an entirely different matter.

Those cut flowers?  It's okay if it's a tulip but not if it's a branch/stem of cherry blossoms, or apple blossoms, or a lot of other fruit tree blossoms.

Many wonders explained in these regulations, and you can find them right here.  (It's a pdf file.)