hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Moo, Y'All

A return visit to the iconic cow who has been making her way about her home field over the past month or so up on Benson Road. I went to visit her in January and learned a good bit about her makeup. This was because I parked the car and got out and went right up to her and said, “Hi!” rather than photographing her with a telephoto from a safe distance away. And I was parked at her environs because Ed’s daughters were here to visit and we were trotting them around the Point to see the sights (a somewhat less scenic tour, I find, in early January: all possibilities are called into service).

She was wearing her serviceable straw hat and her silver tarp overcoat and it was cold and she doubtless needed them. When I first saw her about a year ago I assumed (from a distant sighting) that she was a metal cow with a painted, fiberglass body. To my surprise, on this up-close visit, I found that she had a metal frame indeed, but upon that metal frame was mounted in some unknown manner a foam rubber body and upon the foam rubber body she sported cow pajamas or, perhaps more accurately, cow upholstery. It doesn’t matter of course: she’s still an iconic cow, beauty’s only skin deep, etc., etc. Still it was something of a shock to see her yellow foam rubber poking out around the edges. (Note the knee in the picture: it looks like mine feels.)

Now, today, a blog reader has written to inform me that the cow has in the past week been given, by the Drewhenges, her own name: Scarlett O’Holstein. Clearly, not a cow of Icelandic heritage.

Also: it is reported to have snowed in Vancouver today, but we are thankful that the snow stayed on that side of the border. Good job! Homeland Security!

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