hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Strange Times, Strange Voices


 It's been about six weeks since we last were drawn up and into the distress about the 'Point Roberts Beach Club at or near Lily Point Housing Development."  At that time, the County was about to approve the environmental assessment plans of the development company.  And, in general it did, although it also put some things over, including a historical assessment of the two houses on the property.  Also, over this time, the developers, mainly Wayne and Anders (of previous discussion) have been meeting with a group of folks on the Point in an attempt to reconsider some of the planning, including saving more of the trees that border APA.  All to the good.

But not, necessarily, all to the best, at least not to those who think that a development of this sort is a poor plan for Point Roberts, although it might be a good plan for providing economic improvement for Wayne and Anders.  But this is the sort of thing that will doubtless go on here for years to come.  In fact, of course, this particular one has been going on for years, although the players have occasionally changed.  I think that the opposition is not so much a 'not in my backyard' feeling as a sense that things are difficult enough in this strangely appealing place without adding to the difficulty at the same time as one is taking away part of the appeal.  And especially when, on the other side, there is nothing much more than money to be made by outsiders.  (I know, Wayne lives here, so he's not an outsider.  But in my view, developers are by nature outsiders.  I will not defend that proposition here, however.)

Anyway, there's this general community uneasiness about this proposed development, even if it's not as over the top as the former version of it.  And, during this past six weeks, there have apparently been two incidents in which some vandalism has been committed or allegedly committed on the property.  Survey sticks removed, strings uprooted, etc., causing economic loss to the owners.  The only reason I know about this is that Anders has written the residents of Point Roberts twice--on Point Interface--to warn us that if this doesn't stop, he will be obliged to close up the property so that we can no longer have access to it.

I found these communications strangely condescending.  It's his property, of course, so he can keep it unfenced or fence it or whatever.  And, since most of us here don't spend a lot of time trotting around in other peoples' property, it is likely that closing it off will be no greater loss to us than the loss of access if Anders takes to building 30 or 40 or whatever number of houses on it.

But beyond that is the assumption that it is the readers of Point Interface who are up to no good here, while the Lord of the Manor is killing himself trying to accommodate our views.  Such ingratitude on our part!  And so in need of a punishing response.

So I just want to take this opportunity to say that, if he keeps up building this development the way he seems to want to, then I will really, really be offended, even though I'm normally a friendly, good-time Charlie.  Further, to clarify the extremity of my irritation,  I'm throwing down the gauntlet right now.

Anders:  If things go on the way they are,  I'm not inviting you to my birthday party....Not this year, and not ever. You've been warned.

Reber informs me today (May 30) that the County has voided/declared moot the previous ruling on the Beach Club project that it made earlier this month (because of technicalities) and the whole process now starts over again.  June 15, July 15 seem to be relevant dates for further hearings, meetings, what have you.  One is reminded that 'the wheels of justice grind slow but exceeding fine.'  And, in this case, perhaps all for the good, once again.