hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Monday, October 6, 2014

Wrapped Cars

You might think that Christo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christo_and_Jeanne-Claude) and Jeanne Claude had taken up residence in Point Roberts recently what with the plethora of wrapped cars and other vehicles, boats and the like.  From my window, I can see a camouflaged vehicle on a trailer, high in the air, as well as a grey-wrapped SUV, and a boat almost submerged in its wrapping.

But it's not art, it's just October.  In the fall, our semi-permanent residents abandon us for their real homes (we are their ever-nostalgic 'summer places'), but we are also, those of us who stay all year regardless, abandoned by many of our permanent residents.  We are only 1300 at best and then maybe 1/4-1/2 of them wrap their vehicles in tarps or carcoats and go away to their southern homes.

At the moment, despite its being October, the leaves are still green on the trees and still firmly attached to the trees.  Maybe the leaves and the snowbirds could stay this winter.  Maybe Point Roberts will turn to a Mediterranean climate.  That would be a treat....and then Christo and Jeanne-Claude might have reason to come and wrap us up, or at least wrap up the dreaded towers which are increasingly looking to be their own happening.  Let us, perhaps, as an art project, consider wrapping the towers in camouflage.  Just random thoughts on a non-fall-like day...

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