hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Monday, January 16, 2017

Too Much Cold Weather

Thus Did the Cold Spell Begin

Perhaps the title above is all that needs to be written.  It seems that folks have pretty much gone to ground for the past 3 weeks or so.  Or perhaps just me.  About 4 weeks ago, I engaged in my customary December ritual of going out into the yard and cutting a few branches from a forsythia bush in order to force some flowers for winter.  I've been doing this for 25 years and always been delighted to have those flowers within a week of bringing the branches indoors.  This year, not so much.  I surely cut them and brought them inside, but they surely did not do much of anything.  Finally, after about 3 weeks, voila!  But not very many flowers, by comparison with years past, and some of the branches just apologized and expired.  But I appreciate the flowers that arrived.

Two other things of perhaps more importance for local residents.  The Point Roberts Advisory Committee was at work in the cold this month addressing the revised Character Plan and the County's solid waste treatment survey.  If you care about either issue, this is the time to read the respective documents and get your views to the respective authorities, or perhaps just to the P.R. Advisory Committee.  Personally, I have a lot of trouble with the Character Plan, both the original and the revised version.  And the problems of trash collection on the Point have regularly raised lots of hackles, including mine.  But, you might want to think these things through on your own.  You can see the results of the survey that the County conducted here: whatcomcounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/25142 .

This link is incorrect. And the May 2016 revised version of the Character Plan here:  http://whatcomcounty.us/documentcenter/view/18406

This is a link to the 2015 Version (http://prrva.org/images/Draft_Point_Roberts_Character_Plan_Aug_9_15_1_.pdf)  and I will be trying to get a link that includes the 2016 revisions. Will post if I can get it.

The Advisory Committee will be addressing both these issues at its February meeting at 7 pm, at the Community Center.   And the chair, Joel Lantz, implied that if the Committee doesn't hear from the public, then it assumes the public is just fine with them both.  So be forewarned.

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