hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Friday, January 9, 2009

Riding High

I got a blog message from Mr. Drewhenge today with respect to an early December post about the cow and its Christmas Colors. (For those of you who aren’t entirely sure how a blog works, if you write a comment at any time on any posting on my blog, I get the comment right away via email.) Apparently, Mr. Drewhenge is a man interested in challenges, and apparently the challenge of managing the location and couture of his iconic cow on Benson Road is not enough for him. He informs me that he also has a very excellent Rudolph above, ‘waaay above’, his house in Tsawwassen, just over the border from Point Roberts.

As it happened, I was making a laundromat run to Tsa today and added a visit to the Drewhenge Rudolph to my errand list. It was in an area of Tsawwassen (which is about the same size as Point Roberts--1/5 the size of Gaza, you may recall) where I’d never been, someplace called ‘The Village” near English Bluff. I quickly found the street and then the house with the right number (he had given me the address in the comment). I stopped the car, opened the car door and leaned out and up, looking for the Rudolph. Not to be found. I got out and walked around a bit and did not find Rudolph. I thought, momentarily, perhaps his comment/email had been delayed several weeks in the Christmas email rush and he’d already taken his Christmas Rudolph down. And I drove off.

Then, across the street, I saw an easy parking place and once again parked, got out and walked around a bit. And this time, there it was, Rudolph of the Tall Place. Other trees had obscured my view from my first parking place. Now, I saw it clearly, a lighted reindeer some 100+ feet above the ground, topping a tall cedar by about five feet. (If you click on the picture, you can see it better in a bigger version.)

Well, of course one’s first question is how he got it up there. And the second is how is it lighted. I couldn’t see any electric cords coming down the trunk, but on the other hand, I didn’t feel as if I could traipse around in his yard looking for a power source. And as to how it gets up there? My belief is that the world of people with machines of the construction variety have ways of doing these things that are not readily available to the rest of us. Or maybe a helicopter??? (I’m thinking La Dolce Vita’s opening sequence. )

But what I really want to know is whether Rudolph of the Tall Place moves around? Sometimes at the top of the cedar, sometimes on the roof, sometimes at a neighbor’s house? Now that, I’d think, could be Mr. Drewhenge’s next challenge. (You can see the Rudolph of the Tall Place at 1007 Skana Dr.)

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