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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Council Votes Yes!

The following email was sent by Councilwoman Barbara Brenner with respect to the Septic System Ordinance amendments:
Last night the council passed the amendment to the septic system ordinance to allow homeowners to take a class to learn their own systems and then do their own inspections if they choose. It passed 5-2.
I wish I had done a better job of refuting some of the negative opinions and puffery (a word I just learned that means exaggerated statements, opinion, not fact). But I will respond about the homeowners vs. the professionals. There is one big difference. The professionals learn for all systems. The homeowners only have to learn about their own system. That is a big difference. The other major difference I could tell between those who support the homeowners being educated to do their own inspections and most of those who don't think they should be allowed is really is about trust. We will never have enough enforcement people to force people to do what many believe is unreasonable. We need the goodwill of those who have OSS in order to best protect the environment. I still cannot see how anyone would intentionally let their system fail if they understand their system. The only reason I can think would be a lack of funds and that is something we still need to help in addressing. Even a professional inspection won't improve any system if the homeowner doesn't have the money available to do it.
Someone complained that homeowners will ruin the environment and she does not want to subsidize the OSS homeowners lack of environmental concern. Whatcom County spends more money by far on the Lake Whatcom Watershed because of faulty development than any other water quality issue of which I can think. Yet half of the county population who pay the taxes for it, do not live in the Lake Whatcom Watershed nor do they drink the water. We all subsidize lots of environmental protection. If we are going to use that argument, we all lose.
I recently realized that many people have only been e-mailing me regarding your feelings about the septic system issue. I hope you will take the time to thank the whole county council for addressing this issue. It would have never happened without them.The council address is council@co.whatcom.wa.us
There are still a number of significant OSS issues including fee structures, proprietary systems, low interest loan program, clarifications about when fees kick in, and potentially some sort of volunteer group of professionals who might form to assist those of very low financial means with the different aspects of bringing their systems into compliance. It could be a win-win in that volunteers could use their assistance as tax write-offs and do a very honorable service for county residents and for the environment. I have been approached by several professionals about this in the past. I would appreciate any input about it now.
I am sure I haven't covered everything but for now I thank you for your patience. I will keep you informed of any related issues and opportunities to comment.
Barbara Brenner

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