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hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Ides of March

Julius Caesar was warned to 'Beware the Ides of March' and, ever since, we have thought of March 15th as a day of potential ill omen.  This year, it marks the beginning of the new trash company taking over curbside recycling and trash collection here in Point Roberts.  The WUTC gave 'Cando Recycling and Disposal' (which is what Gellatly's 'Freedom 2000' is doing business as in this context) the certificate if they could get the business up by March 15.  Which would be Monday.

The All Point Bulletin carried an advertisement for the new service in its March issue (so we all saw it as early as March 1), but it provides only the telephone number and website of Cando.  Which is to say, it offers no information about rates.  And, when I went to the website, I was informed only that the website is under construction.  How hard could it be to put up your rates, given that you have a home page constructed?  Your frequency of pickup?  Apparently too hard.

In the All Point Bulletin article about the trash saga, Gellatly says he has 55 residential customers and 25 commercial ones, and is hoping to get 300.  The WUTC decision was clearly worried about getting an adequate customer base after all the unhappiness generated by the trash wars.  I'd hate to think that all the brouhaha of the past 6 months plus was about 55 residential customers.


Anonymous said...

"I'd hate to think that all the brouhaha of the past 6 months plus was about 55 residential customers."

I'm one of the people patiently waiting for the construction of the website to see what they are offering, the rates, and the schedule. So many questions, no information. He might get his 300 customer base if information was provided. We're not off to a good start, are we?
I'm signing anonymous because I do not yet have any of the identities on the list.

Anonymous said...

Another person waiting to get the important information ... WHAT ARE THE RATES????? I've left messages and emails asking for this rather important information, and have yet to receive a reply. I saw that the new garbage truck is driving around the Point, and apparently the commercial customers are up and running. But all this seems to have come about because some residential customers were unhappy with previous service. So I'd think a new provider would want to take care of the residential customers quickly.

There was a 45-day requirement if I remember right ... that seems to be right about now, and we don't seem any closer to having curbside recycling or pick-up than we were.

Anonymous said...

From one 70 year old to another, did you know the things you write about, the way you write, and even your photo show you to be a very bitter woman? Instead of spending your time blogging go out and find things that make you smile and learn to enjoy life, maybe take medication. I have to stop reading you for my own mental health.

Renee Coe said...

Considering Cando had only 45 days to purchase a garbage and recycling truck, have commercial bins made, order and receive all new residential recycling bins and work with the county in a new lease for the transfer station, which by the way only happened last Thursday, I think he has done remarkably well after getting the green light from the WUTC.

As far as his rates, in all the WUTC reading and blogging you did regarding the trash situation (over the last 2 years), I find it hard to believe that you did *not* read Freedom 2000's application in which he based his business plan with the same rates as the previous carrier. Where were the rates published by Points Recycling (the previous carrier)? If you wanted service you simply called and signed up. Why is Cando being chastised in your blog when the previous carrier did not have a web site or published his rates in the paper or anywhere else for that matter? Give this new business a chance to get started.

You own 3 homes and probably have more money in your checking account than I make working all year and all you can do is complain about not knowing what you are going to be charged for garbage service. If this is all you *Cando*, then there is something inherently wrong with this picture and your blogging.

BTW.....his customer base has tripled and is growing daily since the paper came out. How do I know? I called and asked when I signed up.

Renee Coe
(Grateful Cando Customer)

MiepRowan said...

I don't live in Point Roberts, but I will note a couple of things anyway - first, it is bad business not to publish your rates, and the relative wealth of anyone who points this out doesn't change that fact. Secondly, re: "did you know the things you write about, the way you write, and even your photo show you to be a very bitter woman?" well I might point out that the way you comment shows you to be an asshole, and a cowardly, anonymous one to boot. Thank you for your time. Miep Rowan O'Brien, Carlsbad, NM