The April edition of the All Point Bulletin seems very unusual to me. Each month, I look at the paper, I read all the material in it, look at the ads, read the classifieds and the real estate, and it reflects back the Point Roberts that I know: a place where not a lot happens and where it's hard to get anything done if you aren't planning to do it yourself. This month's edition, though, seems to be about a very different place, a place where a lot more things are going on, a lot more people are simmering up various plans.
There are all the animals that are being cared for, and for various purposes; there's the locavore movement manifesting here in our very own townlet; the Customs and Border Protection people are coming back to talk to us again, as promised last year; and we have a brand new Point Roberts Advisory group that will work with the County to try to bring an informed view to the County's interactions with the Point. There are a bunch of other stories, as well, but what struck me most was the very impressive job that the paper's staff had done in selling ads. Normally, excessive ads in a publication turn me off, but in our newspaper I am always hoping to find that someone has come here to do something that we didn't have anyone previously doing.
And this month, it's like that: there's a nice Cando ad for their new recycling and disposal program, three or four new (to me) painters, small-scale builders, window and pressure washing, not mention tree and lawn care people, two nurseries where there used to be but one, storage facilities, and a plumber from Point Roberts who sounds like he's planning to do plumbing right here in Point Roberts.
Maybe it's just spring time enthusiasm, but it really seems as if the paper is discovering a Point Roberts we haven't seen for awhile. AND, I am told on good authority that the paper is going to start having a blog or two or more on its website so as to be able to update stories more than every month. Even the paper is joining in in the apparent change.