hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What a Gas!

Update below.

The lines are ever longer at the border these days.  Yesterday, the quilters had an all-day workshop and members coming in from cross border reported lines way, way back down the hill, past the stop light: the kind of lines we see in mid-summer.  But it is not mid-summer, although yesterday was a particularly nice, sunny and even windless day.  Perhaps it was people coming down to check their cottages.

But probably not.  Probably it was the search for cheaper gas.  The mideast problems are the new reason for higher gas prices, although the mideast seems to be continuing to pump oil out of the ground, but who knows?  Maybe they'll quit so we better increase prices now, on the possibility.  California, says the news, currently has the most expensive gas in the country.  If Point Roberts were a state, instead of just a state of mind, WE could be famous (or notorious) for having  the most expensive gas in the country.  Still, the Canadians would pour over the border, seeking (and finding) cheaper gas.  Does Michigan also have this experience?

Update: Good article on oil production and exactly how much it's falling in Libya in The Economist.


BuckyHermit said...

In addition to "cheap" gas, it might also be because of the Canadian dollar's value right now.

BuckyHermit said...

http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110308/bc_prices_point_roberts_110308/20110308?hub=BritishColumbiaHome&utm_source=ctvbc.ca -- This situation made it on CTV News the other day.