hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Beach Club By Another (Unknown) Name

Last week's P.R. Conservation Society meeting was largely about clarifying information on the status of the County approvals for the Orca Shores sadly named 'Point Roberts Beach Club.'  Principle Wayne Knowles says it's going to have a different name, indeed it may already have a different name, but nobody at the meeting knew what that new name is/will be.

It continues to be sitting in the lap of the County Planning Dept. at the moment, on its way to the Hearing Examiner.  The slow down arose when the State had its say, concluding that the development (with respect to suitability for septic systems, in this case a community septic system) could manage 35 one-bedroom single family houses.  The County, however, does not allow sub-divisions (which is what this would be) with one-bedroom homes.  They must be at least 2-bedroom homes, and the ground is not suitable for 32 2-bedroom houses in a community septic system.  So, the developers suggest as a compromise, 15 2-bedroom houses with a community septic system, and 17 lots which would have to be approved individually for individual septic tanks.

The County had somebody up from the Health Dept. assessing whether that was viable with respect to the 17 lots.  That report will come back to Planning soon.  And then we and the developers will know what plan is theoretically approvable.  The Hearing Examiner will have a hearing.  And APA will not need to be widened east of Paul's Road, although not clear about South Beach to Paul's Road.  At least not clear to me.  Whether 15 houses and 17 dubious lots makes economic sense, is the developers' problem of course.  The end for today.

1 comment:

A Reber said...

If you take the road into the golf course and turn right after the (still unsold) homes on the west side you will see the environmental carnage left behind when developers overplan and overestimate the potential for sales. Yuk!