hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What We Do in the Fall

The Last Sunflowers of the Summer, photo by Ed Park

The off-and-on aggressive rains of the past ten days remind us of the fall that is to come.  But today there is sun to tempt us to think that summer will come back.  I don't think so.  At least not for many months.

There are many things on our plates this fall in Point Roberts.  There's the County decisions (Planning Board, Hearing Examiner) on the Cottages at Seabright Farm and on the KRPI radio tower construction; there's the election with (unusual) contested seats: in particular, two Commissioners at the Fire District (which election you may conclude safely that I have a special interest in); there's the $250,000 bond issue for the vitally-needed renovation and maintenance of the Community Center; and (for me, but really for us all) the conclusion of the two-year drive to raise money for the renovation of the Julius Firehall into a new library for Point Roberts.  All have their supporters and their opponents and we'll be hearing more about that as the weeks progress.

At the moment, I want to bring to your attention the All Community Indoor Yard and Bake Sale to be held at the Community Center on October 12, from 10-6.  Although it is sponsored by the Library Fundraising Group, it is not intended to raise money solely for them.  Anybody can reserve a table space and sell what they want of a yard-sale nature and keep the money (although everyone needs to pay a $5 table space fee for the use of the Community Center).  The Library Fund will have several tables of yard sale goods plus the baked goods sale products.  But we have already had requests for about 8+ other tables, including fall produce, as well as yard sale materials (clothing, household goods, skill saws, golf clubs, etc.)

The Library people will make some money here for the new library, they/we hope, but the decision to do this was largely based upon our experience at the Saturday Market this summer when, for 3 or 4 weeks at the end, we had a yard sale table.  That came about because a friend of Ed's was cleaning out their garage and offered him a bunch of construction materials which we decided to take to the Market for the library cause.  And that first week was so much fun, that we repeated it for the next few weeks, adding to the stores of goods from here and there.  We 'sold' things for whatever people thought they were worth, and the process itself engaged people in a surprising way.  I discovered people just like to poke around in boxes and consider adding to their own supplies of things.  And they like the bargain aspect, setting what I think of as a Platonic, which is to say, ideal price.  I believe that each of us has some firm idea about what something is really worth (as opposed to what somebody else thinks we ought to pay), and this is a process which lets you execute that 'real worth' decision.  I like it; lots of other people seemed to like it.  And the money went to the library which is a pretty popular cause.

So we're doing it one more time, all day.  Join us as a seller; join us as a baker; join us as a shopper.  But join us.  And we'll all be there having a good time.

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