hydrangea blossoming

hydrangea blossoming
Hydrangea on the Edge of Blooming

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Something Entirely Different

This morning, I was reading an article by Henry Paulson in Foreign Affairs, and was so irritated by it that I sat down to write some kind of reply, if only to myself. Then I decided I'd post it as a diary on Daily Kos, the left-political group blog. So today's blog is over there, if you are interested in reading what I think of Henry Paulson, Sec'y. of the Treasury, as a writer. You can find it here.

Back tomorrow with the wind and weather from the Sunshine Coast.


Anonymous said...

Interesting contribution to one of my favorites the Daily Kos. FWIW, this is from Tom Friedman's Op-Ed in today's NYT:

"What we can do now, though, said the Congressional scholar Norman Ornstein, co-author of “The Broken Branch,” is “ask President Bush to appoint Tim Geithner, Barack Obama’s proposed Treasury secretary, immediately.”


Arthur (Reber)

judy ross said...

good on you for endurance!...i can no longer bring myself to read mr. friedman's blowhard comments on whatever situation he is bloviating on. but it's nice to have others tell me what he has to say...